
Grinch Hands

Original price was: $59.90.Current price is: $29.95.

The signature grinch look can only be complete when you are wearing the grinch hands that match your overall look. These grinch gloves are made with the finest quality of mix polyester and cotton material.


Some features about The Grinch Hands that you need to know:

The polyester and cotton material provides ample comfort to your hands throughout the time you are wearing the gloves. The material is also lightweight which means that you can play around wearing these iconic gloves without any hassle.

The gloves are unisex and hence anyone dressing up as a grinch can wear the grinch hand gloves to create havoc on Christmas evening. In addition to being unisex, the gloves are also available for adults and kids so you can grab them for the whole family to make things even more fun.

Moreover, as the signature looks incomplete without these grinch Christmas hands you need to grab one immediately. The pictures which you will take with your family while playing around dressed up as a grinch will be great memories to cherish later.

What makes these gloves stand apart from others? The fluffy feathery material present on the gloves is eye-catching because the threading is top-notch. It immediately attracts kids who want to grab hold of these super fluffy gloves when they put their sight on them.

Moreover, with extra fast delivery, you will be receiving these grinch gloves as quickly as possible. We are eager to see how you celebrate your Christmas event in these super cool grinch hands that we are sending to your home. Don’t forget to leave reviews about the durable and sturdy grinch Christmas hand once you have cosplayed in them at the Christmas event coming this December.